11: the power of being yourself

Authenticity is layered with self-esteem, shame, childhood programming and years of self-discovery. We are born vibrant and commonly learn over time to shield certain parts of our personality to be deem more likeable by others. What happens when we remove those masks and allow our true light to be seen by the world around us? 
Bianca and I discuss the process of pulling back the programming that taught us to be small to ultimately build confidence and step into a period of self-love. This unraveling lead both of us to create more joy in everyday life, deeper connections, and develop better boundaries. To choose oneself over abandoning your desires to people please is a courageous act that is no easy feat.  It’s not always sunshine, so we also discuss the moments of frustration and how we can still struggle managing the reactions of those that just not ready to live fully in their own skin. 
Be sure to let me know your thoughts! I’m always open to hear how this episode impacted and anything else you’d like to add. Thank you for you listening. I love you already. 
Follow along with my journey @ferrahchino and the beautiful Bianca @bianca.jane via Instagram! You can also check out my website, coachingwithferrah.com to learn about how I can support you in your own journey of self-discovery and love. 
11: the power of being yourself
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