18: my nighttime routine
After years of struggling with inconsistent sleep patterns, I’ve incorporated a few rituals as I wrap up my day to prepare me for a good night’s rest:
1. I charge my phone in another room to reduce the chances of me staying up scrolling on Instagram and blue light exposure.
2. Taking a shower or bath before bed is probably my favorite way to unwind. I will either take a long hot shower with lavender body wash or a bath with sea salts or magnesium. Study conducted with older people with insomnia found that magnesium supplementation for eight weeks helped them fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, reduced nighttime awakenings, and increased their levels of naturally circulating melatonin.
3. Get cozy in bed while diffusing lavender or spraying a lavender pillow mist. Lavender essential oil is a proven as a gentle way to fall into a relaxing sleep. Lavandula Angustifolia is the best type of lavender oil to use to help you fall asleep.
4. Then I’ll pull out my journal to write out a gratitude list and affirmations for what I’m trying to cultivate within my life. If I’m struggling to fall asleep because of a stressful event from earlier in the day, I’ll write out my feelings, my thoughts, pretty much a mini vent session on my own.
5. Turn off the lights and allow myself to fully relax. If your mind is still swirling around incorporate a sleep meditation to help direct your thoughts.
I hope this is helpful -- feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Connect with me on Instagram, @ferrahchino, email, coachingwithferrah@gmail.com or website, www.coachingwithferrah.com.