2: soul journaling - tapping into your intuition

While listening to the @almost30podcast Elisa Romeo explained soul journaling and how she had developed a practical approach to tapping into your intuition in every area of your life. 🥰 Elisa is a therapist, intuitive and trauma healer (plus, she grew up in the San Juans). After listening to their discussion, I knew deep within that I need to buy her book, meet you soul. This book teaches technique to connect to my soul and offers guidance on how to approach some of the more difficult moments of self-discovery. Soul connection has been a total game changer for how I make decisions, use to my intuition as I move through life and connect with others. 

“Let yourself be silently drawn to the strange pull of what you really love. It will not will you astray.” - Rumi
Learn more about Soul Journaling and so much more on Elisa’s website, https://www.holyandhuman.com/
Learn more about my services, access free yoga classes and meditation by visiting my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also follow along my journey by visiting my Instagram @ferrahchino.
2: soul journaling - tapping into your intuition
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