3: it's not all sunshine + rainbows

“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole.” — Carl Jung

This week’s episode is all about exploring the light and dark aspects of your personality. Shadow work has been popularized by the world of self-development and for good reason. These types of exercises give us full reign to dissect parts of ourselves that we might rather keep hidden. During our time together, I encourage you to create a safe space to journal, really consider the ideas I present and what you feel are your strengths and weaknesses. Because as we all know, in order for darkness to exist we must have light to illuminate it. This exercise is design to uncover all of your who you are so you can take one step closer to standing in all your glory. 

Share your thoughts on here or reach out to me directly on my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also follow along my journey by visiting my Instagram @ferrahchino.
3: it's not all sunshine + rainbows
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