43: what's your intuitive gift?

Like radio waves, spiritual information is constantly being broadcast around us, so it's really just a matter of learning how to tune in to it. And the “Clairs” or “Clear Abilities” are an opportunity to access your intuition to tap into 6th sense often connected with the other five. 
Here are the 5 Clairs:
Clairvoyance = clear seeing: This is when flash visual occurs within someone’s mind's eye, or third eye, much like a daydream. Visual people often choose to be artists, builders, photographers, decorators, designers and so forth. This is often symbolic and understaning your particular images allows this gift to fully bloom. 

 Clairaudience = clear hearing: This is how I most commonly access my gifts and has been a drastic learning to fine tune this type of insight.  I often ear specific phrases, lyrics or concise directions.  Some of us best retain and comprehend information when we hear it spoken aloud. I am still understanding how to best this ability, but often it’s connected with auditory faculties, often making its beholder gifted musicians, singers, writers and public speakers.
 Clairsentience = clear feeling: This is one of the most common gifts because you can access this input without consciously being aware of it. This can be inked to strong "gut" feeling, positive or negative, about someone we just met or when we get the "chills" for no apparent reason. This can also be linked with being an empath and can inspire some to pursue careers as doctors, therapists, counselors, nannies and teachers.
 Clairalience = clear smelling: For instances of this could be noticing the scent of a particular perfume of a deceased relative or a strong smell of cigarettes of someone that is close to you that smokes.
 Clairgustance = clear tasting: This is the ability to taste something that isn't actually there. Most commonly, this could be an association with a particular food or beverage that reminds us of a loved one or memory. I
 Claircognizance = clear knowing: when someone has knowledge of a particular term, experience or person that doesn’t logically make any sense. Spirit works in mysterious ways and sometimes this “knowing” pops up out of nowhere.  Claircognizance requires tremendous faith because there's often no practical explanation for why we suddenly "know" something. Many philosophers, professors, doctors, scientists, religious and spiritual leaders and powerful sales and business leaders tend to be highly intuitive and seem to just know the facts with a sense of certainty. 
Want to learn more? Check out A Little Bit of Intuition: An Introduction to Extrasensory Perception by Catherine Allan (https://www.amazon.com/Little-Bit-Intuition-Introduction-Extrasensory/dp/1454936762
43: what's your intuitive gift?
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