5: anchoring into the here + now


Practicing meditation provides ample opportunities to slow down your mind and the thoughts streaming through them by focusing your attention on a singular object. This could be your breath, a mantra, or even a flame. When the mind wanders, we return to the chosen object of awareness. We consciously anchor ourselves in the here and the now, without judgement. 

Benefits of Meditation: 
• Reduced Stress and Anxiety
• Increased Self-Confidence
• Reversed “Fight or Flight” Response
• Deepened Sleep + reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep
• Clearer Thinking and Memory
• Enhanced Productivity

Learn more about my services, access free yoga classes and meditation by visiting my website, www.coachingwithferrah. You can also follow along my journey by visiting my Instagram @ferrahchino.

5: anchoring into the here + now
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