61: presence in the unknown
Have you ever been in a situation where you were utterly confused and slightly concerned on how everything was going to transpire? Navigating the unknown can provoke fear and send anyone into a tizzy if they allow the possibility of what if's to spiral into the ether. However, as someone who has always naturally defaulted to worse case scenarios, shifting my focus to what's occurring right in front of me instead of "what could be" removed a ton of pressure of trying to ensure everything goes perfectly to plan. It's not easy, but the practice popularized by Ram Dass to "be here now" is a wonderful start. Listen in and let me know what you think!
As always, you can connect with me on the gram, pinterest or spotify @ferrahchino. You can always visit my website at www.coachingwithferrah.com for more information on how to connect with me. XOXO
As always, you can connect with me on the gram, pinterest or spotify @ferrahchino. You can always visit my website at www.coachingwithferrah.com for more information on how to connect with me. XOXO