25: yoga as self care, being a vessel for good + sharing your unique gifts with Trevor

Please join me in welcoming Trevor Taylor, Yoga Teacher + Wellness Advocate. You can find him on Instagram @justliketrevor where she shares yoga tutorials, life talks and an overall contagious joy as he lives his unique path. We met within the wellness world and I was thrilled to sit down with him for a conversation that covered an array of different topics including his time as a paster, teaching high school English and eventually sharing yoga online. All of these experiences have lead him to find to an unique blend that is now shares on his platform today. 
I’m immensely grateful that he shared his story with all of you and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Keep a look out for his upcoming wellness online library, The Sanctuary, being released within the next few weeks!  
If you have any questions feel free to reach out via Instagram, @ferrahchino, or email, coachingwithferrah@gmail.com or on my website, coachingwithferrah.com. 
Love you <3
25: yoga as self care, being a vessel for good + sharing your unique gifts with Trevor
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